Snow Jam Pro Coil Leash are very sturdy…

The SnowJam Pro Coil leash is hands down the best leashes that I have ever used. It’s convenient, versatile, and well made. Mine stay attached to my boots, so it doesn’t matter what boards/bindings I’m on, I can always just clip on the leashes and go. The metal clips are easy to use even with gloves, and are very sturdy. I’ve personally had these leashes save me from having to chase a board down the hill after I maladjusted a binding, and I’ve seen them save others from the same thing. The coil itself is very strong and retains its shape even after being stretched out almost completely straight. I threw a board off hard once casing a jump, and the leash still came back into shape. I know some people don’t like leashes if they hike the park, but the coil leashes solve that by allowing you to take your boards off and hike with the leashes still attached. This is also helpful if you are hiking back up to drops in the woods since you don’t have to worry about losing a board if your grip slips. All in all, I highly recommend this leash to anyone and everyone who skiboards now matter if you’re into park, groomers, or backcountry. They are a great value for the price, and I’d be very surprised if you don’t like them.

(Rider) Tim – Intermediate Skiboarder

SBOL Padded Skiboard bag makes a perfect fit…

This bag is perfect for my KTPs. It’s a tight fit but works out perfectly. The R8 Monkey bag felt really big to me (probably because I’m short). I love this bag’s short handles and shoulder strap. It makes carrying my boards in one hand, and boots in the other so much easier. Highly recommended.

Rider – Courtney – Expert Skiboarder

RVL8 Skiboard bag could use pockets…


Very nice.

It holds two pairs of skiboards with non-release bindings on. If there are no bindings, I think it’ll hold tons of skiboards in it. The bag is very firm and good looking!!

It does not have any extra pockets for little stuff though.

And if you have release bindings, it was little hard to fit in there. I had to face binding side of skiboards each other and put them on. If you have a release bindings, you might wanna take them off, or get a bigger bag.

Rider – Jeaho Park – Intermediate Skiboarder

RVL8 Skiboard bag is amazing…

This skiboard bag is simply amazing.

The RVL8 monkey design on the front looks awesome and this bag is incredibly durable. I was in a car crash with this board and it survived scraping down the road at 65 mph with only a few cuts/road burns. This thing is the TANK of all skiboard bags. I’ve fit in two pairs of boards with bindings and it held them perfectly.

(Rider) Ty Bereskie – Expert Skiboarder

RVL8 Skiboard bag has lots of room…

The first thing i noticed was the durable looking zippers and velcro construction on the handle. you can zip the handles together and carry like a suitcase or leave them apart and carry it like a backpack.

On the inside there is a nylon liner which will keep the melted snow from a day of skiboarding in the bag and off your car seats.

The internal capacity is much larger then I initially though and i’ve fit three pairs of boards in at once (two with bindings)

And also was able to fit two pairs (with bindings) and a helmet and able to fully close the zipper.

Nice, very nice.

(Rider) Mark Carroro – Expert Skiboarder

Line Skiboard Bag is on the smaller side…

This is an old skiboard bag by Line. It fits my 90cm Line Jedi’s nicely, with room at the top for goggles or gloves, so it could probably fit something in the 94cm range.

Quality is pretty nice, with padding on the sides to protect the boards and a heavy-duty zipper. It’s not as waterproof as the RVL8 bag, so you’ll want to make sure your boards are mostly dry before you put them in there, otherwise the bag will get soggy.

All in all a nice bag for short boards.

(Rider) Nate Myton – Intermediate Skiboarder

SB2 is better than SB1…

I really like this video. A good portion of the footage is taken from some of the big events like the Winter X-Games when Skiboarding was featured. There is a lot of good riding and a lot less “fluff” compared to SB1. There is still a good bit of unnecessary footage, but at least they aren’t destroying property this time.

All in all SB2 is one of my favorites.

(Rider) Tim – Intermediate Skiboarder