Revolts length is like a dream…

I had been riding a set of Line 5-0’s almost exclusively for the last few years. This year I decided I needed bigger boards, mostly to pick up a little speed to get through the flat runs.

After looking for weeks I found a set of EMP’s (like the current Revolt Trees). I was very worried about such a large jump from 90 to 105 and them being wider, but let me just tell you that it was AWESOME!!!! I thought I liked the 90 length because of the control they gave me, but the 105 length was a dream. The Revolts were better in all areas. Better speed and much more stable. Riding fakie and spinning was even easier. I felt a lot more in control when I got a little squirrely, always being able to gain control more quickly than I ever had before. I thought the added width would make them harder to get on edge, but it wasn’t a bit harder. They handled icy spots well, and were much better in the powdery spots.

Rider – Smok3y – Intermediate Skiboarder